Happy Father's Day to all you Daddies out there! Makenna and I took Dad out to breakfast this morning, then we did a little shopping- looking at things to take to China with us like umbrella strollers and medications! Not exactly relaxing, but necessary! We also went to visit Bernie's parents and wished his Dad a Happy Father's day. He'll be 89 in 2 weeks and is still going strong! My Dad passed away in September of 2003, and I really miss him so much. He would have loved Makenna with all his heart! I know he sees her and us, though. Makenna has a great Daddy! Bernie adores her and in his opinion she can do no wrong. Which, of course, means that I do more of the disciplining and have to be the "bad guy"! That little girl has him tied around her little finger! But that is how it's supposed to be, right?!?!
Here's a Daddy who loves his kids!

Daddy receives his Father's Day gift from Makenna- a complimentary makeover
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